Monday, March 26, 2012

Review Journal Columnist to Visit Group

Margo Bartlett Pesek, the columnist for the Las Vegas Review Journal who writes the "Trip of the Week" will be our guest speaker for the April 16th meeting. 

Catch up on Margo's columns by going to

This should be a very exciting talk.

Since Cork Proctor is taking a hiatus from booking our speakers, I have a few ideas for presenters.  Here's a list of those I've either contacted or plan to:
  • One or more members of the Las Vegas Chapter of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association
  • Organized crime reporter, Jim Barrows, who covered Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas
  • Ms. Maria Rowley who wrote her Master's thesis on the history of brothel prostitution in Las Vegas from 1905-1955
  • Mr. Patrick C. Clary, a life-long Nevadan, an attorney, and a founding member of the Las Vegas Philharmonic
  • John and Pat Getter, members who are authors of recently published books
  • Member Betty Bunch, author and former Las Vegas showgirl
I am open to any suggestions so please let me know who you might want to come to our group and speak. 

See you soon!

Monday, March 19, 2012

March Meeting Recap

Another great meeting with the members of the Las Vegas Media Group took place today at The Wedding Room.  I was a bit nervous about the numbers at first

because I called in a head count of 40 but got a few last minute cancellations of regularly-attending members and thought we’d have to pay for meals not eaten.  When I arrived close to 11:30 am the parking lot was not as full as it usually is, so that made me even more nervous!  But, by 11:45 the place started to fill and I am happy to say we had 41 people in attendance.  Whew!  That’s why RSVPs are so important – we run the risk of either paying for meals for members that don’t show, or not having enough food for members who show up without an RSVP.  I know I harp on it, but letting us know if you are coming or not is important, so please mark your calendars for the THIRD MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH and be sure to contact Lisa to let her know if you are coming to the meeting or not.  Thanks to Dave Williams for giving me the idea to place a calendar on the blog so now all meeting will show up there! 

Okay, about the March meeting.  Thalia Dondero was a wonderful speaker.
She shared what it was like to be the first female Clark County Commissioner.  We all laughed when she told us about her first day on the “job.”  All the men around the table asked her to make the coffee.  Thalia told them all what they could do with that request – but she said it like the lady that she is!  I made a short video of the talk and will put it up on our Las Vegas Media Group You Tube channel as soon as I’ve edited it.  There are other videos up there so go check it out if you haven’t already.  Click the link to get there. 

Birthdays to celebrate this March include:
  • Spike Measer (kind-of new member)
  • Mike Schafer (brand-new member)
  • Johnny Pinjuv (who celebrated 89 years on March 18!)
Happy Birthday!  Remember, if I don’t have your birth day and month, please send it to me.  I’d cry if I knew I’d forgotten someone! 

At the moment we don’t have a speaker scheduled for April.  We will soon know who will be our guest, so stay tuned!   

Enjoy the spring weather. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Members meet students to share their history

It was an idea inspired by the fact that I wanted to gather as many life and career histories of the members of the Las Vegas Media Group that I could, but knew that it was an effort I might not achieve as there just wasn't enough time.  When dear friend, Dick Taylor, passed away in 2011, I realized just how crucial it was to gather the memories and stories of this group of individuals that made and documented Las Vegas and Nevada history.  Thankfully, I had the opportunity to conduct two interviews with Mr. Taylor.  But I was worried that I wouldn't be able to gather all the stories of this eclectic group of individuals in time.

That's when I decided to utilize the students that are my "captive audience" two times a week in my Nevada History class at the College of Southern Nevada.  This semester (spring 2012) their research paper project involved doing oral histories.  I urged the class, and most complied, to consider interviewing members of the Las Vegas Media Group.  Of the 16 students in my class, all but 2 chose the group as their research "subjects!"  I was thrilled.

As the day approached I felt a great deal of stress: one student dropped out just before the interview date, a couple of students (as students tend to do) didn't show up for several classes in a row, and at the last minute one of the interviewees could not attend; this is just to name a few of the worries I had.  I did not want interviewees to come on the appointed date only to have the student not show up for class - I'm proud to say all of the students came through. 

The result was amazing.  My one and a half-hour class was abuzz with noise.  Students were listening to the older generation tell their life and career stories.  I sat aside and observed like a proud parent witnessing a real life-changing experience for my kids.  To see the younger and older generation come together like this is hard to describe, so let my pictures tell the story. 

From left to right: Carey Burke, Rich Newman, Jackie Brett, Norm Johnson, Thalia Dondero, (Lisa Gioia-Acres, prof of the class), Judge Lloyd George, Betty Bunch, Helen Mortensen, Rich Friedland, and Len Yelinek. Not pictured but present: Gretchen and Don Payne.